The frida

The Frida is a young modern female led magazine marketed towards people who are interested in female empowerment. They requested a cover design, a table of contents design, and one article spread.

The Cover

Decision Making


I purchased this well known photo used by Vogue in 1937. This iconic picture shows Frida’s strength and courage , embodying the concept for the magazine.


Title: Miracle

I wanted something bold, elegant and strong . This display font exhibits this by looking tall and tight . Using Pink picked up from her headdress creates harmony and leads the eye down through the image.

Story Hooks: Abril Fatface

Acumin Variable


For the headlines I used a heavy thick Font, Abril Fatface, in white to bring attention to the story . I used Acumin Variable for the sub header in orange to balance the headline and lead the eye around the page. For the subject of each story I used FreightDisp in pale pink to reference the flowers in Fridas hair and to highlight the subject.


I used Pink, Orange, Green and White to reflect Mexican culture as well as being used in the photograph.

table of Contents and introduction

Decision Making


Contents: For background image I used a classically styled painting of Frida. I felt it paired well with the traditional use of a contents page.

Introduction: I chose a contemporary portrait to contrast with the previous page. As well as establishing a cool hip vibe the editors are looking for. I framed the bottom of page with an image of her blue house. This anchors the page.


Contents: Calgary Script

I wanted a font to compliment the image distinguished and refined. A script font gives this required part of the magazine more interest. Using white helps the copy stand out from the image.

Introduction: Miracle

Title: To keep consistency with the cover page I used the font miracle again.

Body: FreightDisp Pro

For easy reading I chose a serifed font.


Contents: Because this information needs to be clear I kept the layout simple, having the copy overlaying a modest depiction of Frida Kahlo.

Introduction: To keep up the fresh modern feeling of the magazine I placed a street art inspired portrait of Frida . To balance the contemporary painting I used a colour block of bright yellow behind the main article. I anchored the page with an image of her Blue House. This harmonizes the page as well.

inside spread

decision making


Because the article is about the life of Frida Kahlo I chose a photo of her home, now a museum. It’s vibrant and colourful and has a lot of dynamic elements that suits the article.


Title: Miracle

For consistency I used the font miracle again.

Body: FreightDisp Pro

For uniformity I used FreightDisp Pro again.

Copy Layout

To have the article stand out from the vivid picture I used semi-transparent white colour blocking. This helps with organizing the information for the reader. The transparency lets the spread flow and gives it balance.