New Edinburgh News

“Chantel worked with our team to create an eye-catching map that we printed over two pages in full colour. She was easy to work with, asked questions, came to our neighbourhood to see what she'd be representing, and met all our deadlines. Thanks, Chantel!”

Christina Leadlay : Editor for the New Edinburgh News

The New Edinburgh News is a non- profit community newspaper. It is published five times a year and is supported by its advertisers. The New Edinburgh News is distributed free of charge by volunteers to New Edinburgh residents as well as to area schools, libraries and local businesses.

Decision Making

The Landmarks

These are the landmarks the editor felt important to showcase. It was crucial to me to illustrate each landmark properly because they are significant to the community and should be shown respect.

The Brief

To create an illustrated summer patio map for the New Edinburgh area of Ottawa for locals and tourists. The map was to include Street names, restaurant locals and icons showing features provided at each location as well as illustrating landmarks. The editors wanted the map to have a summery, bright, fun vibe to it.

Beechwood Cemetery

St. Charles Church

Beechwood Theater

Minto Bridge

Rideau Falls

The Map Key Icons

These are the subjects the editor felt It important to identify. An essential part of any map is to have clear, recognizable markers. I achieved this through shape and colour.


Used at all sites

Covered Patio



Serves Alcohol

Serves Non-Alcoholic

Public Washroom

Kid Friendly

The Finished Product

Streets- I kept these basic by using grey and labeling them a black San serif (Myriad Pro in bold). I payed close attention to getting the layout, like bends in the streets, exact to help with orientation for tourists.

Green Spaces- To brighten up the quieter parts of the map I included some trees the parks located near patio sites. These help with orientation too.

Restaurant names- To keep with the summer, bright, fun theme I used bright pink in the same font used for the street names.

Number Identification- To keep within the theme I used a bright orange, To make them easy to identify from the right up I made them large and bold locating them beside the patio names.

The streets, green spaces and restaurant names and number identification.

The Final Product